The Ultimate Guide to Personalized Videos for Sales

Want to build stronger relationships with your prospects and close more deals? This guide walks you through how to use Avie's personalized video platform to create engaging, trust-building content for every stage of the sales cycle. Learn practical tips and scripts to elevate your outreach and drive more revenue.

As a sales development representative or account executive in today's fast-paced sales landscape, delivering exceptional customer experiences is key to winning deals, earning referrals, and smashing your quota. Personalized video messages powered by AI technology are a game-changing tool for connecting with prospects, building rapport, and guiding them to a successful close. Here's your step-by-step plan for leveraging Avie's personalized video platform to take your sales performance to new heights.

Plan Overview:

  • Identify pivotal moments in the buyer's journey to send personalized videos
  • Write engaging, helpful video scripts for each touchpoint
  • Record your foundational videos in Avie's intuitive Video Creator
  • Sync Avie with your CRM to automate personalized video delivery
  • Implement a lead nurture sequence to guide prospects to a closed won deal
  • Analyze video performance metrics and continually optimize your approach

Step 1: Pinpoint High-Impact Video Opportunities

To get the most mileage out of personalized video, you need to deploy it strategically at key inflection points in the sales process. Here are some prime opportunities to consider:

  • Responding to inbound leads from your website or landing pages
  • Following up after a demo or discovery call to recap next steps
  • Sending a proposal walkthrough or contract explainer
  • Checking in post-sale to ensure successful onboarding and implementation
  • Sharing relevant case studies and testimonials to build trust and credibility
  • Wishing a prospect or customer a happy birthday or work anniversary
  • Inviting a champion to participate in a video testimonial or case study
  • Notifying a customer of an upcoming renewal or expansion opportunity

Think about other touchpoints unique to your sales cycle where a personal message could help prospects feel valued and motivated to take action. The goal is to anticipate and proactively address their needs and concerns at each stage.

Step 2: Craft Customer-Centric Video Scripts

Thoughtful scripting lays the foundation for engagement-driving videos that prospects will actually want to watch. As you write your scripts for each touchpoint, keep these tips in mind:

  • Lead with the value-add for the viewer - how will this video help them achieve their goals?
  • Focus on benefits, not just features - what's in it for them?
  • Tell a story - paint a picture of how your solution makes their life better
  • Keep it concise - aim for 60-90 seconds max to respect their time
  • Make the call-to-action crystal clear - what is the viewer's next best step?

Here are some sample scripts to get you started:

Inbound Lead Response

Hi [Name], [Your Name] here from [Company]. Thanks so much for [action]. I know how busy you must be, so I really appreciate you taking the time to check us out.

I had a chance to review your [source], and it looks like you're interested in learning more about how [Company] can help you [goal]. Our [product/service] is designed to [key benefit] by [key feature], which has helped customers like [customer] achieve [result].

I know you're probably evaluating a few different options, so I'd love to learn more about your unique needs and see if [Company] might be a good fit. I have some time open [date/time] for a brief intro chat - does that work for you?

In the meantime, I've attached [resource] that digs a little deeper into how we [benefit]. Let me know what questions come up as you review it.

Talk to you soon!

[Your Name]

Demo Follow-Up

Hi [Name], Thanks again for taking the time to meet with me and [Colleague] today. I really enjoyed learning more about your [focus area] and the goals you're working towards.

As discussed, I think [Company] could be a great partner in helping you [goal]. Based on what you shared, here are a few ways we could support you:

  • [Benefit 1]
  • [Benefit 2]
  • [Benefit 3]

I've attached a [document type] that outlines our recommended solution and pricing in more detail, along with a few relevant case studies. I'd love to hop on a quick call to walk you through it and get your feedback. How does [date/time] look for you? If that doesn't work, just let me know a few other options and I'll get something on the books.

Looking forward to taking the next step together,

[Your Name]

Proposal Walkthrough

Hi [Name], I hope you've had a chance to review the [document] I sent over last [timeframe]. I know these can be a bit dense, so I've recorded a quick video to walk you through the key points and help bring it to life.

In the video, I explain how our solution is uniquely designed to help you achieve [goal] by providing [capabilities]. I also share a few examples of how we've supported similar companies like [Client 1] and [Client 2] in achieving [results].

I've attached a revised [document] based on our last conversation. The key change is [detail], which will [benefit].

Assuming this looks good to you, the next step is to [action]. I've carved out some time early next week to get you up and running - how does [date/time 1] or [date/time 2] work on your end?

Let me know if you have any other questions or if there's anything else you need from me to make a decision. My goal is to make this process as smooth and transparent as possible for you.


[Your Name]

Onboarding Check-In

Hi [Name], Congratulations again on joining the [Company] family! We're so excited to have you on board and can't wait to help you start achieving [goal].

I know getting started with a new [product/service] can feel a bit overwhelming, so I wanted to send a quick video to make sure you have everything you need for a successful launch.

In the video, I walk you through the key steps to get set up, including [step 1], [step 2], and [step 3]. I've also included links to some helpful resources like our [resource 1], [resource 2], and [resource 3].

As a reminder, your main point of contact moving forward will be [Name], your dedicated [role]. [He/She] is an expert in helping customers like you get up to speed quickly and achieve [goal].

[Name] will be reaching out shortly to schedule your kickoff call, but in the meantime, please don't hesitate to reach out to me with any questions. I'm invested in your success and I'm always happy to help!

Looking forward to seeing you do big things with [Company],

[Your Name]

Happy Birthday

Hi [Name], I hope you're having a fantastic birthday! I know this is a super busy time, but I wanted to take a minute to celebrate you and all that you've accomplished.

You are an absolute rockstar and I feel so fortunate to partner with clients like you who are [trait]. Watching you [achievement] this past year has been incredibly inspiring.

Here's to another year of [goal] and [goal]! Cheers to you and enjoy your special day!

All the best,

[Your Name]

Happy Work Anniversary

Hi [Name],

Congrats on [X] incredible years at [Company]! I can't believe it's been [time frame] since we started working together. Time really does fly when you're [activity]!

Looking back, it's amazing to see how far you've come. From [milestone 1] to [milestone 2], you've consistently raised the bar and delivered [result]. Your [quality] is truly inspiring.

I'm so grateful to have clients like you who are [trait]. I've learned so much from working with you and I can't wait to see what you accomplish in the [timeframe] ahead.

Here's to many more years of success together,

[Your Name]

Testimonial Request

Hi [Name],

I hope this note finds you well! I'm reaching out because as a valued [Company] customer, your feedback and stories are so important to us. We'd love to feature your experience with [Product/Service] in an upcoming case study.

Hearing about your success with [metric] and how you were able to [achievement] has been incredible. I think your story would resonate with so many other [audience] who are facing similar challenges.

If you're open to participating, the next step would be a 30-minute interview with our team to learn more about your experience and the results you've achieved. We'll also provide a release form for your review and approval before publishing anything.

As a thank you for your time, we'd be happy to provide [incentive].

No worries at all if this isn't something you're interested in or have capacity for right now. We're just grateful to have you as a customer and we'll keep working hard to help you [goal].

Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for considering!

All the best,

[Your Name]

Referral Request

Hey [Name], I wanted to reach out and thank you for being such an amazing customer. Your support means the world to me. I was wondering if you might know anyone else who could benefit from [Product/Service]? I'd love to help them achieve the same great results you have. No pressure at all, but if anyone comes to mind, I'd be grateful for the introduction. Thanks again for being so awesome!

Reengagement Attempt

Hi [Name], long time no talk! I was just thinking about you and wondered how things are going at [Company]. I know we haven't connected in a while, but I've been keeping an eye on your [industry/market] and I have some fresh ideas to share. If you're open to it, I'd love to catch up and brainstorm how [Product/Service] could help you tackle your latest challenges. No worries if the timing isn't right - just wanted to let you know I'm here if you need anything!

Free Trial Offer

Hey there [Name], I hope you're doing well! I've been following [Company]'s progress and I'm consistently impressed by the work you're doing. I think your team could get a ton of value from [Product/Service] and I'd love to give you a chance to try it out, no strings attached. If you're game, I can set you up with a free [X]-day trial account. You'll get full access to all the features and I'll be here to guide you every step of the way. What do you say?

Discount or Promotion

Hi [Name], I have some exciting news! For a limited time, we're offering an exclusive [X]% discount on [Product/Service] to a handful of our favorite customers - and you made the list! This is our way of saying thanks for being so amazing to work with. If you'd like to take advantage of this deal, just let me know and I'll send over the promo code. Act fast, because this offer expires on [date]. Cheers to saving big and achieving even bigger results!

Event Invitation

Hey [Name], I wanted to make sure you saw the invite to our upcoming [event name]. It's going to be an incredible day packed with [learning/networking/fun] and I think you'd get a ton out of it. We've lined up some amazing speakers and activities that are right up your alley. As a valued [customer/partner/friend], your presence would mean the world to me. Let me know ASAP if you'd like me to save you a spot - tickets are going fast!

Competitive Comparison

Hi [Name], I was thinking about our last chat and I remember you mentioned evaluating a few different options to solve [pain point], including [Competitor A] and [Competitor B]. I did some homework and put together a quick side-by-side comparison of how [Product/Service] stacks up. I tried to be as objective as possible and highlight both the similarities and differences between the solutions. I think you'll find that we really stand out in a few key areas. Take a look and let me know what you think - I'm always happy to dive deeper!

Customer Check-In

Hey [Name], can you believe it's been [X] months since you started using [Product/Service]? Time sure flies when you're crushing your goals! I'd love to hear how everything is going so far. What's working well? What could be better? I'm all ears and I'm committed to making sure you have the best possible experience with [Product/Service]. If you're up for it, I'd love to schedule a quick 15-minute check-in to hear your thoughts. Just send over a few times that work for you and I'll get it on the books.

Upsell or Cross-Sell Recommendation

Hi [Name], I was just looking over your account and I'm thrilled to see the amazing results you've achieved with [Product/Service] so far. You're a total rockstar! I did notice that you're not currently using [Complementary Product/Premium Feature], which I think could help you [achieve X result] even faster. I'd be happy to set you up with a free trial so you can test it out and see the impact for yourself. Let me know if you're interested and I'll get you hooked up.

Product Update

Hey [Name], I hope you're having an awesome week! I wanted to quickly fill you in on some exciting updates we just rolled out for [Product/Service]. Our team has been working around the clock to [add/improve/optimize] [key features/benefits] based on feedback from awesome customers like you. I think you're really going to love the changes - especially the new [feature name], which will make your life way easier when it comes to [common task]. Check it out and let me know what you think!

Webinar Follow-Up

Hi [Name], thanks again for joining us for today's webinar on [topic]. You picked a great one to attend - I think the content is super relevant to the goals you shared with me. I'm sending over the slides and recording so you can refer back to all the juicy insights anytime. I've also attached a quick guide with my top takeaways and some bonus resources to dive even deeper. If you're fired up to start putting this stuff into action, I'd be thrilled to give you a personalized walkthrough of how [Product/Service] can help. Just say the word and we'll make it happen!

Remember, the key to making these scripts your own is to infuse them with your unique personality and perspective. Don't be afraid to put your own spin on the language and have fun with it! The more authentic and conversational you can be, the better the connection you'll forge with your prospects and customers.

Step 3: Record Your Foundational Videos

Now it's time to bring your scripts to life! With Avie's user-friendly Video Creator, recording personalized videos is a breeze:

  1. Test your recording setup, including camera framing, lighting, and sound
  2. Copy/paste your script into the built-in teleprompter
  3. Customize the settings like playback speed and text size
  4. Hit record and deliver your lines clearly and confidently, using natural inflections and body language to build rapport
  5. Add any supporting graphics, screenshares, or b-roll that reinforce your message
  6. Trim any awkward pauses or distracting ums and ahs
  7. Save your video with a clear title and description for easy searching

Aim for a genuine, conversational tone that makes the viewer feel like you're speaking directly to them. Smile, vary your cadence and pitch, and let your personality come through.

Keep the majority of videos in the 60-90 second range, with occasional longer videos for more complex topics like proposals and product demos. When in doubt, err on the side of brevity - you can always follow up with additional details.

Step 4: Integrate Avie with Your CRM

Seamlessly personalizing your videos at scale requires keeping your prospect and customer data synced between Avie and your CRM. This allows you to dynamically insert key details like the recipient's name, company, and past interactions, making each video feel custom-made for them. There are two ways to sync this information: one-off contact creation and bulk CSV upload.

Manual Contact Creation

  1. Navigate to the Contacts tab in your Avie account
  2. Click "Add New Contact"
  3. Enter the relevant details for that contact, such as:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Email
    • Phone
    • Company
    • Title
    • Industry
    • Account Stage
    • Last Activity
  4. Click "Save"
  5. Rinse and repeat for additional contacts

Bulk Contact Upload

  1. Export your contacts from your CRM into a CSV file, ensuring you have a column for each key data point (e.g. first name, email, company)
  2. Open the Contacts tab in Avie
  3. Select "Import Contacts"
  4. Choose your CSV file
  5. Map each column header to the corresponding field in Avie
  6. Specify if you want to update existing records or only add net new ones
  7. Click "Import Contacts"

Avie will match and merge your contact data, making it readily available for video personalization. You can search, segment, and update your records anytime in the Contacts tab.

Some tips for seamless data management:

  • Standardize your data formatting before syncing - e.g. capitalize names, use full state names vs abbreviations
  • Avoid uploading duplicate contacts by using email as the unique identifier
  • Leverage tags and account stages to slice and dice your database for targeted campaigns
  • Regularly sync new leads and update deal stages as contacts progress

With your CRM integration live, adding that personal touch to your videos is effortless. Just wrap the corresponding merge fields in your scripts (e.g. {{first name}}, {{company}}), and Avie will automatically populate each video with the right info for that individual contact.

Weaving in recipient-specific details proves you've done your homework and elevates your message from generic spam to treasured resource. It demonstrates you understand their world and positions you as a trusted advisor in helping them achieve their goals.

With your data synced and scripts buttoned up, you're ready to generate a steady stream of relevant, engaging videos that move the needle across every stage of your pipeline.

Step 5: Scale Your Reach with Video Sequences

While one-off videos are powerful for punctuated outreach, true pipeline acceleration comes from implementing thoughtful video sequences. By combining automated video touchpoints with timely manual outreach, you can efficiently nurture leads and opportunities to a successful close.

Here's an example of what that could look like:

  • Day 1: Inbound lead comes in, triggering your website response video
  • Day 3: No response, so send a short check-in video with a helpful resource
  • Day 7: Still no response, deploy a breakup video acknowledging their lack of interest and wishing them well. The reverse psychology often reengages them!
  • Day 10: Connect on LinkedIn and interact with their posts to build familiarity
  • Day 14: Assuming they respond, hop on a discovery call and follow up with a video recap and next steps
  • Day 21: Check in with a video to share early product mockups and get their feedback
  • Day 30: No response, schedule a quick call to align on timeline and decision criteria

The key is to persistently provide value in a professional, non-pushy way. Each video should have a clear purpose and call-to-action that propels the deal forward. Keep the tone human and helpful, not salesy or self-serving.

Of course, every buyer's journey is different, so continuously monitor and adapt your approach based on engagement signals:

  • If they watch your video but don't respond, send a quick "was it something I said?" video to elicit a reply
  • When they miss a scheduled call, record a "sorry we missed each other" video and offer new meeting options
  • As they go dark, record a "just checking in" video to reignite the conversation and reinforce your commitment to their success

Remember, fortune favors the persistent and helpful. Stay focused on being a valued resource, and the revenue will follow.

Step 6: Measure, Iterate, Win

Like any sales tactic, the key to sustained success with personalized video is to relentlessly track, measure and optimize your efforts. Avie's analytics dashboard gives you real-time visibility into the metrics that matter, like:

  • Number of videos sent, viewed, and replied to
  • Most popular video topics and scripts
  • Average view duration and completion rate
  • Influenced pipeline and revenue
  • Time to first touch and opportunity creation
  • Deal velocity and win rate

Regularly review your results to spot what's working and where you can improve:

  • Which subject lines and calls-to-action generate the most opens and responses?
  • What video length strikes the ideal balance of informative and digestible?
  • How quickly are prospects moving from first touch to demo to closed won?
  • Are some reps seeing better response rates than others?

Armed with these insights, double down on your winning scripts, sequences, and delivery tactics. A/B test different video elements to zero in on the right combination for your audience.

And don't be afraid to get creative with your video approach:

  • Experiment with different video styles, from formal whiteboard explainers to casual iPhone selfies
  • Interview your happiest customers and share their success stories as social proof
  • Create a video knowledge base of answers to common sales questions and objections
  • Spotlight your company culture and values to differentiate from the competition

The beauty of Avie is that it scales your hustle, without sacrificing the personal touch. Stick with it and you'll become a trusted face (and voice) in your prospect's inbox, paving the path to quota-busting success.

In today's noisy sales landscape, anything you can do to stand out and build authentic relationships is a major advantage. With Avie's personalized video platform and this proven plan, you're well equipped to drive more conversions, reduce your sales cycle, and catapult your career.

Start creating your 1:1 personalised videos.

Join the 15,000+ businesses personalising their content with Avie
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